Daily Bible Reading
Over the past several years, one of my new year’s goals had been to read my bible more. I would always do well with this for a period of time and then life would happen and I’d get busy and my bible studies would peeter off. This was partly because I didn’t want to just read my bible, I wanted to STUDY it. And that takes a little more time to really dig into the meaning in the words there. Between everything on my plate this year, I actually didn’t make that a goal. And yet, here we are in February and I’ve read the bible every day! I thought I’d share a little about it in case anyone else is wanting in on daily bible reading.
There’s a phone app called YouVersion Bible which is an awesome app! Not only does it give you access to the Bible through your phone anywhere at any time, it also gives you the ability to search words or ideas. This is super handy when you’re curious what the bible says about a certain topic. You can also set it up to send you a daily scripture verse, which I love. But the best thing about the app is the plans it has. It has devotionals and bible studies. It has plans for learning to pray authentically, understanding God’s pupose for your life, fighting for your marriage, and so much more. And you can do these studies on your own or invite friends. Well one of the plans offered is called Bible in a Year.
Honestly though, instead of using the app specifically for this, I’ve joined a group on facebook that utilizes it. calle 1%. The idea being that it takes less then 15 minutes a day to read the entire Bible in one year and that’s only about 1% of your day. This facebook group shares what to read each day and then provides members with the opportunity to discuss what we’ve read. It’s an awesome online way to experience a Bible study and be as engaged or individualistic as you like!
Apparently the idea has caught like wildfire because while their goal was to only have about 50 – 100 members, the group currently has 740 members! So if you’re interested in catching up with us and reading the entire bible in a year from cover to cover – follow the link and join in. It’s been really fun so far and I’m happy to finally be completing a goal I’ve set for myself for quite some time!