Here Comes Busy Season!
Well tomorrow marks my last free weekend until mid to late November. I’m super grateful for all the work coming up to help pay for our extra Marlee expenses, but I’ll be real – I’m a little nervous too! October is always the busiest month of the year for photographers. Everyone seems to want fall colors for their portraits and although I can never predict the exact date the leaves will change – it usually occurs in October. So October… is the month of no life for me haha.
And my nervousness comes because I worry about balancing everything. There are plenty of days that I feel like I’m doing a precarious tight rope walking act. I knew I’d be busy as a mom but I can admit that I didn’t realize just how busy miss Marlee would keep me. She is SO incredibly worth it and I’m loving every minute of being her mom! However, I know that I need to help bring in some income too. It makes me super grateful to have family nearby who are so willing to help watch Marlee so I can go shoot sessions and schedule viewings. But it’s also hard being away from her too. And I’m super grateful for a husband who likes to help with the cooking and even helps clean too!
On top of that I’m still working on my fine art series which I’m thoroughly enjoying sharing. I do hope to one day be able to afford to print them all and have a big art show! Truly that would be a dream! To be able to tangible hold and see my work and share it with people in person! I have my book I’ve been working on for two years that hasn’t been touched in MONTHS because there just aren’t enough hours in the day. I have my support group for those struggling to grow their families that I love so much. And I still have a project I can’t share yet that has been taking up a great deal of time too and will be for quite a while yet.
So bare with me guys. Friends – if I disappear for a while please know I’m not ignoring you – I’m probably just overwhelmed. As soon as I get through the rush – I’ll be back to my normal self. I promise – I’m going to do my best to keep posting regularly as I have for years. I’m going to keep trying to work on fun fine art pieces to share. I’m going to try to crank out sessions as quickly as I can. I’m going to do my very darnedest to be the best version of me I can be for all of you while still being a good wife and mom. So enjoy your weekend with those you love! I know I sure will be!