Brag Books for Mom
I designed these sweet little books for our mom’s back in May for Mothers Day, but we had so many fun sessions to share – I kept forgetting to post them here for you guys. Well I decided today is the day and I’m sharing them with you because they’re just too cute not to share! Plus it’s never too early to start planning for Christmas and they may make the perfect gift for your mom!
So first what are these? These are what I call brag books! I LOVE them! They are tiny little accordion books that fit in the palm of your hand and can easily be tucked in a purse or pocket to carry with you always. I feel like they’re the upgraded version of those wallet photos we used to pass out as kids. Those photos were never super durable and I ended up having them fall apart over time. So I love the idea of this sturdy little book that I can toss in my purse and have with me always. I also love that instead of just one photo – I get several! And as a lover of albums – I love that in a lot of ways it’s like a mini album because it gets to be fully designed too!
I had at one point debated just making little brag books of Marlee’s first year for her Grandma and Nonni, but then I thought – if I was a grandma – I’d want all of my beautiful grandbabies in my brag book. So I pulled some pictures I had taken and sent out requests for additional ones and put together these fun little books. And I am SO happy with how they turned out! You guys know how much I love designing albums so it was fun putting these together to include all the little ones and family photos and making them special for both our moms.
If this is something you’re interested in with your session pictures – just let me know! You guys know I love creating special products just for you – no matter how big or small! So here’s a peek at this fun little photo product we made for mine and Ryan’s moms!