March 16, 2016
BoxDrops by SJP - Product Update

BoxDrops by SJP - Product Update

Back in September of 2015, I partnered up with my dear friend and fellow photographer Sarah in her BoxDrops by SJP business. Through her online store, Sarah provides photographers with templates, education, business paperwork, and her amazing, one-of-a-kind backdrops. So of course I was honored to become one of the designers behind the awesome products she provides!

A couple weeks ago I asked Sarah if I could pitch in and add some of my new designs to the shop and she gave me the green light to get started. So in between working on things for clients, building my marketing pieces for the new year, working on my financials, creating pieces for my fine art series – I started filling in the Box Drops by SJP site with more designs.

After a couple of days of work – I managed to add a bunch of new products for all you awesome photographers out there! So let’s start with some of the digital products that were recently added….

BoxDrops by SJP - Album Designs

If you’re a client of mine you are probably well aware of my love and passion for beautifully designed albums! Every album I design is custom-tailored to that specific client’s session. But I do know a lot of photographers who are great at the photography aspect of their job but struggling in the design department. So last week I went ahead and added 4 album designs to the store. Above you’ll see a wedding guest book, a wedding album, a family album and baby’s first year. You can find all four of these at the top of my design page on the site at:

Let’s move on to the next additions…

BoxDrops by SJP - Overlay Sets

Overlays can be a really fun addition to an image. If you’ve seen my fine art work – you’ll probably notice that there is often some form of an overlay happening in every image. Above are 5 overlay sets I added to the store. Three of these sets are sky overlays. I used these ALL THE TIME when I used to shoot only natural light. It was often fun to be able to drop in a REAL sky into the background of my images. The sets I have available are sunny skies, sunset skies, and moody skies. All three provide a unique and different feel to your images. There is also my handy snow overlay set. I still use the snow overlays in my fine art work. It makes it easy to create that snowy effect when there isn’t any snow falling. And then lastly a grunge texture set. This one comes as an action you can set up in photoshop. Hit play, choose your texture, and photoshop will apply it for you!

Last but now least….

BoxDrops by SJP - Backdrops

Alright – so you guys have heard my rave about how much I love these backdrops before. This is not a first. But I’m super excited to have more backdrop options up for you! I have a couple different styles up under my section of the Boxdrops site. The first set of backdrops I have are more of the painted drops… These are ones that I created using another medium whether that’s paint, dyes, or markers. All of the images below are the backdrops you can purchase through Boxdrops by SJP.

Stephanie Rose Designs - BoxDrops by SJP

The second set of backdrops you can choose from are based in photographs. These are images I thought would make great backdrops for you utilizing the amazing material that Sarah’s backdrops are made from! (Cause let’s be honest – after using Sarah’s BoxDrops – I don’t want to purchase my backdrops anywhere else!) Below you’ll see the few I have added to the store so far and they can be found here.

Stephanie Rose Designs - BoxDrops by SJP

I’m sure in the months to come we’ll be getting more products added – not only under my design page but under the other artists as well! So head on over to BoxDrops by SJP and give them a look! You will not be disappointed!

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