Baby Journey: Book Review: He Remembers the Barren

March 25, 2016
He Remembers the Barren

He Remembers the Barren

You may recall from my previous post that being the giant nerd that I am – I looked to books to help find answers and comfort as Ryan and I continue on the road of infertility. While searching for my last book, Barren Among the Fruitful: Navigating Infertility with Hope, Wisdom, and Patience by Amanda Hope Haley, I came across another book that looked like it might also be a good starting point for me. If you recall I was looking for books that would not only encourage, uplift, and nurture but also be realistic and informative.

The second book I purchased is called, He Remembers the Barren by Katie Schuermann. This too is another book with Christian leanings, but that’s precisely why I purchased this book. I liked the idea that this book promised to address the biblical, spiritual, and ethical thoughts about infertility and the various avenues and options available to people. I will say that this book was not as easy or soft a read as the first book I recommended, but it did have a ton of great information and I’m still incredibly glad I purchased it!

He Remembers the Barren

So the way this book is laid out – each chapter begins with a real life story. Each story is told from the authors perspective. Sometimes the story is about herself personally and other times it’s about her experience with another woman struggling with infertility. Obviously each story is set up to illustrate a point or share a particular message. After the story – there’s a short bible reading, a Collective prayer, and a “hymn”. Truly – this book was designed to be a support group style book.

In spite of the fact that this wasn’t as soft a read – there was a lot of information in here that rang true for me or caused me to stop and think. Like the chapter entitle “how long, oh lord, how long?” which is entirely about the waiting process and the never ending question of how long must we wait for our miracle baby to bless us. Katie discusses the ethics of how far is to far when it comes to infertility treatments. I personally place no judgement on anyone else’s choices in their journey, I just know what’s right for us. But I think it’s great that she explains a little about what those various avenues entail and why you might want to think before you pull the trigger on them. And my personal favorite chapter “What if God Says No?”

Again – this is definitely a book I’d recommend for anyone struggling with infertility who wants to get a little deeper into the nitty gritty of it. I’d 100% recommend it to an infertility support group or any church that wants to help better care for their parishioners struggling in this area.

If you’re interested in purchasing this book at all – please do order it through my link here. It’ll take you straight to the Amazon link to order. I am an Amazon Associate so when you order through my link – I have the potential to earn a little cash at no additional cost to you. Here’s that link again: He Remembers the Barren by Katie Schuermann.

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