Another Snowy Day
Well hello internet! It seems Snowmageddon has struck us again in the Midwest! We are yet again covered in a layer of dusty white snow. When it first started drifting towards the earth yesterday, I noticed one of my photographer friends posting a little note of encouragement to take your kids and loved ones out in the snow for some pictures. (“The memories will be priceless.”) I will confess, a twinge of jealousy crept into my heart seeing all these photos of other people’s kids out smiling and playing in the snow all over facebook yesterday. Certain days and moments are more difficult than others when you’ve been trying for as long as we have with no success yet. And yesterday was one of those days.
But being the person I am, I decided rather than sit and sulk, I’d get up and take my furry kids out in the snow to play. Kit loves the snow and this year has been great for his snow loving fun! I remember his first experience with snow like it was yesterday. He dove through that fluffy white stuff like a seal through water. Lucy on the other hand is a little lady. She’s so proper she hates getting her feet wet or cold or dirty. So this white stuff is not really her thing. She likes following her brother around, but she’s eager to come back inside. Despite Lucy’s eagerness to come and Kit’s unwillingness to sit still, I did manage to get a couple good pictures of the kids together (and individually).
Before we went out into the cold, I decided to snag a few of Lucy and Kit inside. One of the great things about snow is it creates a natural reflector so it bounces tons of lovely light into the house!
Please ignore Lucy’s hairy dog bed… She is quite the shedder!
By this point they’d had enough of me so I agreed it was time to go ahead out and play! 🙂
This is how Kit ends up looking every time he goes out in the winter. He’s so nosey – he has to drag his sniffer through the snow and he gets this caked on layer of snow on his snout. Makes me laugh every time 😉
This is my dogs choosing to not cooperate…
And this is after I say their favorite word… “Treat!”
With Kit’s dark coat, and the way he plays in the snow – he always ends up coming in covered in snow, which quickly melts and turns into little beads of water.
The snow isn’t as obvious on Lucy… plus she licks a lot of it off 😉
And of course, since they were so good, I did have to give them a treat. After all I did promise! 😉 It kind of looks like Kit is growling, but he’s actually just chewing his treat and Lucy’s checking to see if he has any left overs haha
Well I hope you’ve gotten a kick out of a little glimpse into our snow day fun yesterday. I hope you all are staying nice and warm today as it seems more snow is still coming down. See you all again real soon! 🙂