Annastyn is One! | Sullivan IL Photography
I cannot believe this beautiful little girl is one year old already! Her first year has just zipped by in the blink of an eye! It truly feels like just a month ago that I was taking newborn photos of this petite little lady, but here we are documenting her full first year of life!
This was actually the first session I’ve done for Annastyn at our Kirksville home studio. All of her other sessions we did in her home. We were hoping for a little warmer weather on her session date – so we decided to start inside. As always, Megan brought such cute outfits and props for this little lady’s session – almost all in varying shades of pink! And I had to throw in a little sparkle for this cutie with my new gold sequins backdrop!
Megan also brought a super cute birthday cake so Annastyn could have some fun with a cake smash. I always love seeing how different kids experience their cake smash! Some get all into it and really dive in… literally haha. Others don’t like getting messy and so they don’t really know what to do with the big cake in front of them. That was kind of how Annastyn felt. It took Megan feeding her some of the cake to pique Annastyn’s interest and she was very dainty with her eating of the delicious sweetness!
We finished this little beauty’s session at a nearby park, just a few minutes down the road from my home. We got some sweet family portraits in her little wagon on the trail. I feel so blessed to have gotten to know this family over the past year. Alex and Megan are two of the sweetest people you could ever hope to meet and it’s been a joy spending time with them. And of course, it’s been an absolute honor documenting Annastyn as she has grown! She’s such a beautiful little girl – just like her momma!
So without further ado – here’s a peek at some of their favorites!