Andrea Couri Professional Head Shots | Decatur, IL

June 24, 2015
Andrea Couri Head Shots

Because I specialize in seniors and families – it might not be as well known that I also do professional head shots. There are so many people who need those updated head shots for their business or for their new position or even just for your linked in profile. And let’s be honest – a really great professional portrait can make a huge difference in how you are viewed as a potential candidate for a job or as a possible business a customer might want to work with. So when Andrea contacted me about setting up a time to get an updated professional head shot – I was super happy to work with her!

I’ve known Andrea for quite a long while. Her oldest sister and I were in the same class in high school and Andrea was in the same class with my middle brother. She is such a fun, spunky, awesome lady and it was so nice to visit with her and capture her gorgeousness in my camera. Early this year – she accepted the position as Saint Teresa High School’s Director of Marketing and I could not be happier for her! We talked about how much she loves her job and the work she gets to do and how fun it is to see the statistics for the quality of education Saint Teresa students receive. It’s kind of cool looking at your former school as an adult rather than as a student.

So without further ado – here’s a little peek at a few of Andrea’s favorites! (And if you or someone you know need some updated head shots – give me a call! I’d love to get you some updated portraits!)

Andrea Couri Head Shots

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