Ruey Ann is One! | Decatur, IL | Children Photography

August 28, 2013

I’m SO excited to be sharing sweet miss Ruey’s one year old session with you today! It has been such a joy and honor and blessing to get to capture this sweet little thing from being a brand new sparkling and perfect little newborn to the one year old little beauty that she is today! One of the greatest things about this age is their excitement, curiosity, and personality! We’d get Ruey where we wanted her and get set to take the picture and BAM! She was off on her own adventure! And that’s the fun of this age! Capturing those little moments of their own discoveries and happiness and moments of excitement. So here’s a peek at Ruey’s One Year Session!
(PS – Her mom picks out the cutest clothes for her EVER!)

Ruey Ann is One 1

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I seriously love these three! I feel so lucky to get to document their sweet family and their awesomeness and to count them as my friends!

Ruey Ann is One 10

Well I hope you enjoyed this little peek at Miss Ruey’s One Year Old Session! Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday! I will try to get a blog post prepped for Friday – but we will be out of the office all day Friday. 🙂

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