Tim Furman Senior Session | Decatur, IL | Senior Photography

September 16, 2011

I was super excited when Tim’s mom set a date for his senior photo session! I was lucky enough to take Tim’s older sister, Alanna’s, senior photos a couple years ago, and so I was already excited about the possibilities with Tim’s session

One of the great things about the Furman’s is that they really get my shooting style and my goal of capturing your uniqueness in a picture. So Mrs. Furman and I had been brainstorming for a while trying to come up with some fun ideas for Tim’s session. Now, when I say brainstorming – I don’t mean mapping out all the pictures I’m going to take… I’m not that kind of photographer. I take whatever you bring to the table and try to enhance and create something really cool and different. Tim brought a lot of himself and his personality to the table which provided me with an excellent opportunity to create something personal and unique to him.

So when Tim showed up for his session and he wasn’t feeling the formal studio portraits we headed outside with his lovely girlfriend Brittany and tried to have some fun instead.

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This is where things started to get really fun and unique! So Tim likes squirrels…. a lot! In fact, he has an awesome collection of squirrel statues, toys, etc and he brought his awesome collection with him to his session. He is also very interested in science, so the periodic table elements snuck it’s way into several of our photos too. Anyway… once I saw Tim’s squirrel walking stick – a brilliant idea smacked me in the face and I just had to try it! I got home and started working on it, and I was so giddy about the results that it’s taken a great deal of self control not share it until now. Don’t think you find too many people with pictures like these!

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So once we finished up his squirrel photos, we packed up the car and headed over to St. Teresa High School to get some more fun images. Tim is on the chess club – so we thought it would be fun to get some pictures of him playing chess.

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Then we headed to the science room. Time for some more science fun!

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We finished up taking your more “typical” senior photos outside the school. St. Teresa has some surprisingly nice backdrops actually.

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There you have it! Tim Furman’s awesome and unique senior session! I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek! Have an awesome Friday and weekend! And I’ll see you back here on Monday! 🙂

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