Gus & Shepherd 9 Month Session | Troy, MO Photography
It seems so hard to believe that these two little munchkins are already nine months old! But here we are! August and Shepherd were going to be in town for Christmas and their mommy thought it’d be a great idea to capture this milestone while they were here. They had just been gifted the cutest little onesies too and they made for some pretty adorable pictures of the boys!
I love how personality all babies have, even when they’re brand new, but nine months is a fun age! Little ones are super expressive and interactive – engaging with toys and people and sounds. And I love how very different these two little guys are! They may have an awful lot in common – especially visually (even though they aren’t identical twins) but they definitely have two distinct personalities. We can already tell that Shepherd is the wild one. He’s a bit ornery, especially to Gus. He’s also pretty expressive and easy to make smile. (Just sing him “Shep-idy do dah!” and he’ll smile super big!) Gus, on the other hand, is a bit more quiet but determined. He might not be as quick to smile as Shepherd but he sure does have a pretty adorable giggle streak in him!
So without further ado – here’s a peek at August and Shepherd’s nine month session!