6 Tips to Be an Awesome Second Shooter
I’ve been a second shooter at a number of weddings now and was recently informed that I’m a pretty stellar second shooter. (In fact, I’m one local photographer’s first pick – which made me absolutely giddy.) I’m lucky to have Ryan as my second shooter for weddings which works out beautifully for me. We both have a similar style and we understand one another really well. I can always count on Ryan to get really strong images from a different perspective too and he fills out each weddings album of images really well! So I thought I’d write a post giving some tips on how to be an awesome second shooter based on my experiences with a second shooter and as a second shooter for someone else.
1) Do NOT promote yourself!
This is probably the most important rule of second shooting, and I would hope it’s common sense. While you are working – you are a member of your main photographers business. It is completely inappropriate and unacceptable to advertise or market your own business while you are working for another photographer. In fact, by trying to market yourself while working for another photographer you will more than likely appear very unprofessional and amateur. So do yourself and the photographer who was kind enough to hire you for the day the courtesy of forgetting you have a business for the day. And as an employee for the photographer, you should be prepped to answer a few simple questions about your photographer if guests should ask and have business cards ready to hand out too!
2) Look for new angles
The last thing your photographer wants is for you to take duplicates of every shot he/she is taking. They hired you for your eye and their hope is that you’ll look for different angles. On wedding days, it’s the main photographers job to capture all of those formal straight on images. But you have the fun and unique opportunity to look at each shot from a different angle or perspective. Keep an eye open for something different and things the photographer might miss between shots too!
3) Be sure you’re not in the main photographers shot
This can be a common problem for new second shooters. It’s always important to keep an eye on where the main photographer is and be sure you aren’t going to show up in the backgrounds of their images. Remember their shots are more important than yours! So stay out of their way! And remember to look for those different angles too she/she isn’t in the background of your pictures either.
4) Pay attention to details
Another nice thing you can do to help your photographer is to pay attention to the details when he/she is setting up a photo. If you notice the brides dress is wrinkled funny, straighten it. If you see that the grooms handkerchief isn’t perfect, correct it. If a bridesmaid has some hair out of place, go up and fix it. Both the photographer and the client will thank you for your attention to those details.
5) Be attentive to what the main photographer needs
Oftentimes second shooters double as assistants. So always keep your eye on the photographer to see if there’s something he/she needs. This is really great when you’ve worked with one photographer for a while because you start to know what lenses he/she will be wanting when they’re setting up a shot. And you can be ready and waiting with their lens prepped for them when they need it.
6) Be friendly and chat with client while the main photographer preps for the next shot
Don’t feel like you can’t be friendly and chat with the client just because they aren’t your clients. Often brides and grooms feel most uncomfortable in those in between moments while the photographer is getting prepped for the next shot. Ease their discomfort by telling them how awesome they look, asking them if they’re enjoying the day, asking what they are most looking forward to. This is a great way to keep the clients distracted and happy and giving the main photographer the time they need to get ready for the next shot.

Well I hope you found this at least a little bit interesting and maybe helpful to you for future second shooting gigs! I hope you’re all having a wonderful Friday and I’ll see you back here on Monday! 🙂
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AWESOME post Stephanie! Thinking of these things is what makes you my favorite second shooter. It’s sometimes a big switch to go from lead photographer to second, but you’re so right in saying it’s important to understand and pay attention to that difference. You make my clients feel comfortable and relaxed even though it’s the first time you’ve met them. Love this post, I will definitely be sharing it!!!
Awww! Thanks Sarah! I love second shooting for and am so glad you liked this post! Feel free to share away! 🙂