4th of July 2016
I have many a thought as I sit here pondering what to write with regards to this holiday this year. Here in the United States, many people will gather together over this weekend. They’ll have cookouts and barbecues. They’ll spend time with friends and families. And then they ooh and aah as we launch fireworks into the sky. But I think with all the fun, sometimes we forget the real significance of this holiday.
You know… we are very privileged here and I think sometimes we fail to see it. One of the presidential candidates keeps talking about “making America great again.” But this statement implies that we are no longer great. And I have a hard time believing that to be true. We have clean water and plenty of food production. We have programs to take care of people and programs to help people get back on their feet. We actually have pretty good health care – you have the ability to find and choose your own doctor and a variety of medications to choose from. We still have people from other countries who want to come here… for a better life. That says a lot about our nation, doesn’t it?
Last week, I watched a short video where a young man discussed his reality… that his generation – the millenials – are the generation not of war but of mass shootings. And while he discussed the fear and lack of progress with this issue, I couldn’t help but think how lucky his generation and mine are to not really know war… not like previous generations do. While some are so busy focusing on the evil that still exists and inciting fear in others, they fail to recognize all the good we have here and all the progress we have made. Our land has stayed relatively safe from the unspeakable war crimes we see in other countries. Yes, there are issues. It would be naive and ignorant to even pretend there aren’t evils still at work here. But there is so much to be grateful for too! And a huge portion of that gratitude should be to the men and women who have fought or do fight to allow us to have the lives we do.
So today as you enjoy your picnics and barbecues – when you gaze upon our flag, think about what today is really about. Recognize that Americans fought hard, and far too many died, to gain these rights for us, and that we have men and women fighting even now, to keep these rights secured. Remember – freedom isn’t about being given anything. It isn’t about giving our government more and more control, or having someone take care of our every need. Freedom is for everyone. Freedom in this country is your right to live a happy life, to work hard, and to find our own way pursuing our own dreams.