2016 LSA Homecoming Football Game
I can hardly believe that LSA’s 2016 homecoming has already come and gone. Wow! I feel like this year has started zipping by fast! I love my LSA peeps! It’s been such a joy being a part of this wonderful community and this school has always been so good to me!
Friday, I headed out for their homecoming game. It was a very crisp fall night and so many of the kids and parents were smart enough to come bundled up in hoodies and blankets. The boys played an exceptional game against Cerro Gordo. They stayed well ahead at the half and won at the end of the night. These guys gave their all and it showed!
I tried to do my best to capture a little of everything Friday night… the team playing, the ball boy, the fans watching, the coach coaching, the cheerleaders cheering. We captured awards being handed out to two of the LSA athletes and finished the night with the homecoming court. I tried to get pictures of everyone as they passed in their cars but it was hard getting their attention.
So here you go! A little glimpse at the LSA 2016 Homecoming football game!