A Weekend on the Lake and a Couple Notes

June 27, 2011

This past Saturday, I spent 8am to 3 pm enjoying life on a pontoon boat, and it was bliss!

It was my first time on a bigger boat. I’ve canoed (at girl scout camp) and paddle boated (with my dad, uncle and cousin), but I had never been on a “real” boat before. After Ryan and I picked up the boat and got it loaded up with our cooler, we took her out for a spin… just the two of us. There is something so peaceful and tranquil about floating on open water.  Allowing the waves to rock you and drift you along. No hurry to be anywhere, no rush to arrive. Just enjoying the journey and the feeling of being such a small piece in a much greater masterpiece.

Lake Shelbyville

Lake Shelbyville

Those two hours alone on the boat were wonderfully calm and sweet.

Captain Ryan

And the rest of the time that we spent with friends was equally so.

Fun on Lake Shelbyville

But I am now officially sold on the calm and tranquility of the sea (or in our case the lake). It was the most relaxing, refreshing, and perfect day! And I look forward to when we can do it again.

Me and Ryan

P.S. If you were on of my 2011 seniors and received an award, scholarship, or acknowledgement – please email me at stephanie@greentreemediaonline with the details of your successes! I’m putting together a newsletter to share your aweseomeness with the rest of the Green Tree Media family!

P.P.S Congratulations go out to my dear friends (and 2010 bride and groom) Meg and Joe Sluder on the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Kinley Elizabeth! 5 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches of perfection came into the world last night at 10:11 pm. Can’t wait to see your little angel!

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