I Long for Connectivity…

April 11, 2014
I long for connectivity

I long for connectivity…
but I am not a surface dweller.

It took another one of my late night writing sessions for me to come to this discover… I don’t know how to have a relationship that only exists on the ground floor. I’ve tried – believe me, I have. But I can never stay there for long… I have this need to dig deeper, to learn, to grow, to deeply connect to other human beings. Even the books that tend to pull me in are stories about people who have these tight knit relationships with others – like the trio in Harry Potter or the little fellowships in the Lord of the Rings. I crave this kind of connection with others. I yearn for friendships like this.

So while I may tend to approach relationships very timidly at first, I never seem to keep my distance for very long… Because of that craving… that need to connect… I don’t do well with superficial conversations, and I often get to know people quickly because I want to genuinely know them…. I truly care about each of these people that walk into my life and I want to know who they are, what they love, their hopes, their fears, their joys… Every little detail is important to me because it makes up the whole.

…Perhaps that’s why I can’t just take an overtly posed portrait of someone. I need to really capture who they are. To see more than their outward appearance, but all the little parts that make up their whole beautiful being. We are so much more than these shells that contain us. And I don’t want people to just know me as the overweight brunette girl with a camera. I want to truly be known. And I want each of my clients to be known too. To feel important and significant. Because each and everyone of them is important to me.

This is who I am. I am a connector. I need to know people deeply and hope that they will care enough to get to know me just the same.

I long for connectivity
